Online/Offline Python Core Programming Course in Chandigarh.
Python Core Programming Course : Online
Python Core Programming Course : Class Room
Python Core Programming Course : Videos under supervision
Python Core Programming Course : Only Videos
We provide online/offline Python training from sector 46C & sector 22C Chandigarh at COMPUHELP.
What is Python?
- Overview of Python
- Integrated Development Environment
- Execution of Python Program
- Structure of Python Program
Variables and Keywords
Data Types
- Numeric Types: int,float
- Text Types: str
- Sequence Types: List,Tuple
- Boolean Types: bool
- Mapping Types: dict
- Set Types: set
- Binary Types: bytes
- Assignment Operator
- Arithmetic Operators
- Logical Operators
- Relational Operators
- Membership Operators
Conditional Statements
- If Statement
- If-Else Statement
- If-Elif Statement
Looping Statements
- Looping / Iterative Statements
- while
- do while
- for loop
- Break Statement
- Continue Statement
Python String
- What is String?
- Operations on Strings
- Strings Methods
- Why We Use Functions?
- Types of Functions
- Function call by passing value
- Function call by returning value
- Function call by passing and returning value
- List
- List Methods
- Tuple
- Tuple Methods
- Dictionaries
- Dictionaries Methods
- Sets
- Sets Methods
Classes and Objects
- What is Class and Object?
- Implementation of Encapsulation
- Implementation of Abstraction
- Implementation of Inheritance
- Implementation of Polymorphism
File Handling
- Why We Use File Handling in C?
- How to Store Data in a File?
- How to Fetch the Data from a File?
- How to Update Data in a File?
Exception Handling
- What is Exception Handling in Python
- Errors
- Handling Multiple Exceptions
- User Defined Exceptions
Threads in Python
- Introduction to Multithreading
- Thread State
- Different thread methods
Graphical UI in Python(Tkinter)
- Introduction of GUI
- Example of GUI
- Components and Events
- Adding button,Label,Textboxes
- Adding CheckBoxes and RadioButtons
- Adding ListBox and Slider
Python Database Connectivity
- Introduction to Databases
- Databases : sqlite3
- Databases : mysql
- Database : Prepared Statement